1·You implemented code to: hook cursor events for all three browser event models, start and cancel both types of timers, and hook their timer events.
2·Set the button to be of type Cancel and remove any event code.
3·Or, when a timeout event occurs, you will cancel any timer that might be running, create the tooltip with an initial opacity of zero, start a ticker, and transition to FadeIn state.
4·And add the following line of code to the onclick event for the Replace document and Cancel buttons.
将以下代码行添加到Replace document和Cancel按钮的onclick事件。
5·The value of the Cancel property is always set to false when the "pre" event fires.
6·By handling the event, you can check some conditions and optionally cancel the event by setting the cancel property to true.
处理事件时,您能够检查一些条件,通过将Cance l属性设置为真选择取消事件。
7·In this sample, the requester can cancel the request within the whole process scope. You can add an event handler to the process scope by following these steps.
8·If your application has a button to cancel a long-running operation but you're doing work in the UI thread, the cancellation event won't be delivered until after the operation has finished!
9·If an event or an error occurs which causes the process to cancel, the already completed activities need to be undone.
10·He had campaigned for the country to host the event, but the death of his great-grandchild on the eve of the tournament's opening forced him to cancel his planned appearance.